Drunk Teens Anal

Drunk Teens Anal

There has been increased attention on the sexual pressures young people are subjected to, such as butt-related messages in porn and an increase in girls visiting GPs with injuries sustained through anal sex. Therefore it’s crucial that we help young people understand anatomy of anal stimulation and sexual behavior – Kitty Flanagan’s video may serve as an excellent introduction (adult-aged viewers may want to watch Frenchy’s NSFW video as well).

One of the main issues surrounding anal sex for young women is an unrealistic depiction in pornography that depicts it as safe and enjoyable; in reality however, anal sex can be painful and doesn’t deliver on what was promised in porn-induced fantasies. Furthermore, engaging in this form of sexual behavior without proper preparation or understanding its risks such as bladder or vaginal infections and diseases like AIDS is extremely risky and dangerous.

Young people’s risks increase significantly when drinking, leading them to engage in sexual acts they wouldn’t engage in sober, including anal sex, “rough” sex and oral sex. All participants interviewed for this film believed alcohol made them more willing to participate in activities they wouldn’t normally have done sober – especially when trying to please partners or preserve their virginity.