Club Seventeen Blonde Releases New Video

At a time when naked bodies no longer shock us, many spend just as much time watching Club Seventeen Skinnde porn videos as engaging in real-life intimate relationships. With sites such as PussySpace offering an impressive range of adult content curated especially for them, there is sure to be something suitable for every taste imaginable.

Lauren Marcus directed the new video for this song, featuring its narrator donning her vintage best with sunglasses, nautical stripes, hot pant cut-offs, espadrilles, and even a Rosie the Riveter head bandana – truly being herself and refusing to conform to anyone’s ideal of what her appearance or behavior should be. This stunning beauty celebrates being herself without submitting to society’s rules about how she should appear or behave.

Though some members of SEVENTEEN have gone through various hair color transitions over the years, others such as Wonwoo and DK have stuck with more natural tones – so it came as quite a shock when DK debuted what may be his lightest shade of blonde yet.

Club Seventeen Blonde is a Dutch (Heemskerk-based) film and series pornographic production company known for their eroticism-themed movies and series. Established by Jan Wenderhold in 1975, they have enjoyed great success across Europe (via Video Art Holland distribution) as well as in Britain (Russian Teens, Russian Delights & Once Upon A Time are some of the shows they specialize in producing).