Pantsed Teens
Pantsing (or “depantsing”, as it is also known) refers to the practice of pulling down another person’s pants (and sometimes underpants) against their will for entertainment purposes or bullying purposes, often as a practical joke or form of harassment or bullying. This exposes their bottom to those around them; and in some cases it can even become sexual fetishes.
DS remembers his experience being pantsed during grade 9 outdoor education class. One of his classmates sneaked up behind him and pulled down his shorts revealing his wedgie, to his shock and mortification. No opportunity was afforded him for taking them back up privately afterwards.
One special-needs teenager was forced into having his nudity videotaped from waist down by a 19-year-old borough resident, then posted onto social media by another 19-year-old resident of their borough. Now his family may file suit against both parties involved.
WSJ reports that two sophomores accused in the Oct. 1 pantsing of a junior varsity football player at West Florida High School will no longer return this school year; rather, they will be transferred to an Escambia County Schools district program program instead.
These girls (particularly Rose) possess short statures and an irreverent attitude, yet still seem prone to pantsing episodes. Rarely a day goes by without one of them being wedgied by someone taller than them; yet these girls remain experts at pantsing, leaving behind nothing but humiliation in their wake.