Sabrina The Teenage Witch Hentai
Sabrina Spellman has graced television in various forms over time, from her live action sitcom that ran for seven seasons to Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Although produced differently, both shows share some similarities: Sabrina lives in Greendale (home of Archie Comics characters); both sets of aunts are witches; Salem (her food-obsessed talking cat) attempted to conquer the world as human until she was turned into a cat by Sabrina herself and then turned back by Sabrina to become part of Sabrina herself!
Contrasting its predecessor iterations of Sabrina, which focused on episodic gag-driven storytelling, Del Rio’s version is more narratively complex and adult in tone. Her take on Sabrina is dark and magically compelling – easily earning Thrillist’s crown as “one of the best comics of 2018!”
Many stories center around Sabrina using her magic in secret (since witches cannot disclose to mortals about their abilities or existence) or dealing with the daily trials of being a teenager. She often goes on adventures to a magical dimension that houses various mythical/mythical creatures and other witches; or learns more about them from Hilda and Zelda, her prominent aunts who both demonstrate crankiness toward mortals while wielding magic for revenge purposes or to settle small disputes between individuals.